Cucumber Garnish | Cucumber Decoration |How to Increase Appeal of Home Cooked Food

Cucumber Garnish | Cucumber Decoration |How to Increase Appeal of Home Cooked Food

Prep time: 15 mins
Cooking Time: nil
Total Time: 15 mins

'You first eat with your eyes' is not only an adage but also holds scientific relevance. How food looks is one of the first sensory criteria upon which our assumptions and decisions about the food we eat are based. Food decoration skills are often needed to make deliciously cooked food more visually appealing or to add some colour to a bland food. Food garnishes, intricate food carvings etc are some of the ways to accentuate the visual appeal of food. In our homes, apart from the regular coriander leaves garnish, easy cucumber decorations are also popular to establish appealing bonds between food and our taste buds. This post  is an attempt to showcase 8 - Easy and Quick Cucumber Decorations that anyone can do to make home cooked food more appealing and elicit its grandeur.

Video Recipe:

Things Required:

  • Cucumbers
  • Paring , carving knives.
  • Plates 


  1. Lengthwise slit cucumber into half.
  2. Cut thin slices.
  3. Place the slices in the given manner on a plate. 

  4. Suggestion: This garnish can be used to enhance the look of  stir fry dishes.
  1. Cut thin round slice of cucumber.
  2. Make a slit/cut.
  3. Bend the two ends in opposite directions.
  1. Carve out thin grooves or streaks from the whole cucumber.
  2. Cut thin floral circles

  1. Take a piece of cucumber that is lengthwise cut into half.
  2. Make thin slices but  do not entirely cut through. First, second, third and fourth slice  cut through from only one edge. Fifth slice  cut through entirely.

  3. Now fold the seond and fourth slices inwards.
  4. You may vary the number of cucumber slices  like 3, 4 or more. In below pic the number of cucumber slices is 5.

    GARNISH 5 
    1. Take whole cucumber. From its lower end start making for wgrooves for whorls. Keep turning the cucumber.

    2. When finished,  carefully pull out the remaining cucumber. 

    GARNISH 6 

    1. Cut thin round cucumber slices.
    2. In a few slices make a cut in the centre of the slice. Keep them aside.
    3. Take two slice and curl them with one another like a rose bud and hold them firmly by inserting them through the slice with cut in its centre.

    1. Slit a cucumber half way lengthwise.
    2. Cut thin half circles.
    3. Insert a toothpick somewhere near the edge of each semi circle and let it pass through all the slices.
    4. Not rotate the slices in order to make a whorl.
    5. Suggestion: This garnish can be placed in the centre of rice dishes.

      GARNISH 8
      1. Take  piece of cucumber.
      2. Scoop out the centre of the cucumber.

      3. With a knife carefully cut out thin continuous roundel of cucumber. 

      4. Suggestion: This garnish can be used as topping on noodles or spagettis. 

      Recipe Notes:

      1. Take care while using sharp knives for cutting vegetable garnish and decorations.

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