Vanilla Panna Cotta(Vegetarian) with Strawberry Sauce |Strawberry Pannacotta| Quick and Easy Pannacotta

Vanilla Panna Cotta(Vegetarian) with Strawberry Sauce |Strawberry Pannacotta| Quick and Easy Pannacotta

Prep time:10 mins
Cooking Time: 15 mins
Total Time:15 mins + time needed for setting
Servings:4-6 servings

Panna cotta (Italian for "cooked cream") is an Italian dessert of sweetened cream thickened with gelatin and moulded. The cream may be flavored with vanilla, coffee or other flavorings. Very few ingredients go into the preparation of this vegetarian panna cotta. In this recipe the basic ingredients used are strawberries, cream, milk, sugar and vegetarian gelling powder.The vegetarian gelling powder  is made from Carrageenan, which is extracted from seaweed, and carob/locust bean gum, which is a thickener. Perfect Panna cotta is one which is soft, creamy and wobbly. It is a 'smooth mouthfeel and melt in the mouth' texture.
Panna cotta dessert may be set in moulds to be demoulded just before serving; or set in ramekins from which you can straightaway enjoy. It is also a quick set shot glass dessert. These look amazing!  The recipe here  is a simple Vanilla Panna cotta dressed up with Strawberry Sauce also called coulis. However, for a firm pannacotta for unmolding it is best to leave overnight in the fridge to set. The Strawberry Topping for the Panna cotta pairs very well with the simple Vanilla Panna cotta. This is a perfect do-ahead dessert. Vegan options for panna cotta are soy milk, coconut milk or nuts milk such as almond milk. 

Video Recipe:


For Panna cotta (Vegetarian):
  • 200ml whole milk
  • 200ml  milk heavy cream
  • 1 tbsp =1 sachet (8gm) vegetarian jelling powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 4 tbsp sugar (as needed)
For Strawberry Sauce:
      • 200gm strawberries washed and finely chopped
      • 1/4 cup water
      • 3-4 tsp sugar (as needed according to the tartness of strawberries)


      For Panna Cotta
      1. Organise ingredients for pannacotta. 
      2. Gently heat heavy cream. Add the sugar to the cream.

      3. Heat  till sugar dissolves and bubbles are seen from sides.  Do not boil.
      4. In the meanwhile dissolve gelling powder in 200ml cold milk and mix.
      5. Switch off flameon which heavy cream was kept.
      6. Now add the  milk in which gelling powder is dissolved to 'not very hot' heavy cream. Mix well. Be quick!
      7. Add vanilla essence and mix well.Be quick!
      8. Fill into glasses or moulds of your choice. Be quick!

      9. Apply a cling wrap  or just cover them.
      10. Keep the moulds or glasses in the fridge to set  for 4-5 hours or best overnight.
      For Strawberry Sauce:
      1. Organise ingredients.
      2. Add the strawberries, water and sugar  in a small saucepan and bring to slow boil.

      3. Let it simmer for a few minutes till strawberries are soft.
      4. Remove from heat and let it cool.
      5. Blend it for smooth consistency sauce.
      6. Chill till ready to serve.
      How to Proceed:
      1. Place the panna cotta mold in a shallow dish of warm water. 
      2. With a knife work around the sides of  panna cotta.
      3. Carefully invert the mould on a plate.
      4. The pannacotta will slip onto the plate.
      5. Spoon the sauce around  the pannacotta.
      6. Garnish with some chopped strawberries.

      Recipe Notes:

      1. You may also add the gelling powder directly to the warm mixture of heavy cream and milk.  
      2. Once the solution of gelling powder and milk  is added to the cream, work quickly and pour it into the moulds before the pannacotta starts setting
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